
Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Our first thoughts of one of LA's most talked about locations.

Can you believe the rate that bookstores are becoming extinct? The thick delicious slices of knowledge can't seem to keep up with the digital age anymore. People would rather watch a YouTube video on how to do something these days than buy a book on the topic. The books that are available always seem to make it onto the internet in PDF form through digital piracy. 

Where have all the bookstores gone? The ones that are still standing have nooks with ebook plans on display upon entrance. Do you remember that feeling of having a book that you really wanted as a child? Due to the overwhelming information on the internet, it's seems books have become more of a nostalgic novelty or sentimental decor than the keys to knowledge they once were known for.  

The Last Bookstore in Los Angeles is a name that in heavy circulation among locals for being a unique and rewarding experience. With that said, being California natives, we felt the need to seek out such a sanctuary. 

We must say that the experience is the highlight of the journey as 3 floors of books are made available. Artwork is sprinkled throughout the building making it feel more like an crowded attraction than a place of solitude. The higher you go in the building the more crowded it gets. A morbid art gallery of angels and skeletons lay on display down the second floor hall just across from some small shops. 

The 3 floors - The lowest level being the most relevant selection but also the most expensive, the second floor holds mostly fiction and fantasy novels at a fairly higher than average price-point, and the third floor that houses books you would consider rubbish within the dollar range.


People seemed to be more interested in the decoration than the selection of books. More people were taking pictures and pointing around than reading. To be honest we felt the same way. We kind of just looked at each other as we walked through the labyrinth, and before you know it we were out the exit. 

The Last Bookstore was certainly a unique experience, but with the high prices popping out at us, and the low quality selection becoming more and more apparent, this tourist attraction just didn't glow with value. It felt as if they didn't know if they wanted to be a high end bookstore or an art museum. Most of the books we seen were much cheaper online, giving our impressions another splash of brown paint. 

We really wanted to like, love and highly recommend The Last Bookstore, but to be fair to our readers we can't sugarcoat it. The Last Bookstore is just what it says it is, a bookstore. However when the side dishes taste better than the main course, you tend to be more cautious when ordering again.